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    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Kingdom Come This guy with the hottest sneaker drop of 1403

    Kingdom Come This guy with the hottest sneaker drop of 1403

    This guy with the hottest sneaker drop of 1403

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:23 AM PST

    First ambush 5/6 bandit's, second ambush 2 normal gear bandit's and near camp 4 bandit's vs 1 village boy

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:14 AM PST

    Posters for Prybitslavitz after Henry decides to rebuild it into a medieval skatepark

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Fist fight IRL

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:13 AM PST

    This Game Just Gave Me the Best Feeling of Accomplishment

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:48 AM PST

    I'd read that the difficulty of the Runt battle (the one you can actually win) was bumped up and had given some people problems. I also very much took to heart the "train with Bernard" advice given how the combat system was built. So I trained with him til he couldn't last more than a few seconds, dominated the tourney until all the unique prizes were mine, assaulted bandit camps head-on without subterfuge. Even though my weapon skills weren't (and still aren't) at 20 Defence was, and I was completing these other tasks handily. It felt time to face Runt. I dived back into the main quests, get through the lead-up to the battle at Pribyslavitz. The battle itself comes, Runt makes his appearance, Henry charges after him. It's time.

    Master Strike, Headcracker.

    Greatest feeling I've had since the pandemic started and absolutely the best sense of accomplishment I've had from a video game. Eat it, Runt!

    submitted by /u/Qonas
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    Feigned retreat is my favorite

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PST

    I almost never engage more than one opponent. While attacking camps or taking out ambushers I do feigned retreats.

    I just get on my trusty Pebbles and get within the visual range of the enemy. If they still don't attack, I shoot a few arrows to provoke them.

    Once they begin their attack, I simply run away on my horse but being careful not to lose the pursuers. Too fast and they will fall back and I would have to start all over again.

    One by one the pursuers eventually fall back until a single enemy remains. I draw him out a few more yards just to be sure his buddies are far away.

    Then I draw my melee weapon, dismount and strike the pursuer down with little difficulty.

    You may call it cowardice but Henry isn't a knight and he is soloing around the lands of Bohemia, it seems realistic that he would like to avoid confrontation with multiple enemies. Besides feigned retreat is a time tested tactic in real battlefields.

    Anyway, this game feels so realistic and immersive despite the bugs.

    Now please tell me what is your favorite tactic while dealing with the enemies?

    submitted by /u/spark29
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    spent 30 minutes trying to beat the ledetchko player and finally got a clean sweep

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:00 PM PST

    How do you beat the game without killing anyone?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:48 AM PST

    I'm aware Runt isn't a choice and that's fine, but how do I complete the game without killing anyone else? Do I have to have good defense, sneak, speech? Do knock outs count as murder? I'm on Xbox if that makes any difference.

    submitted by /u/xLordValx
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    The end of my hardcore playthrough...

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:03 PM PST

    Any tips for facing Runt and his goons? [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:40 AM PST

    I'm about to start head into the camp to do some sabotage, but before I do that, does anyone have any good tips or strategies that could help? I neglected to bring poison for the cooking pots (🤷🏻‍♂️) and I really don't wanna do back for Talmberg for it.

    Also do you have any tips for fighting Runt?

    submitted by /u/LNievas
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    Trollvart von Trolllitz, what will he say?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:29 AM PST

    Found a nice painting that looks oddly familiar...(original pic by EthicallyChallenged, DeviantArt)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:18 PM PST

    Early game hardcore mode, some help?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:45 AM PST

    I got about halfway through the game on normal and I found it got easy so I wanted to try my hand at hardcore and finish my first play through on that. I think it's going well, but I'm looking for suggestions for where to find a weapon and armor in the early game. Im in Rattay and have been training with Bernard for a while, and I want to start moving on. I'm trying to be stealthy for the most part; the Dark Saxon Gambeson is the goal, but 1k feels hard to get in the early game because of the ridiculously low selling price of the items in Hardcore. Also looking for any suggestions you all may have to enhance my hardcore play through. I'm loving it so far and the extra immersion enriches the experience. I would recommend it!!

    submitted by /u/GM131998
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    Winter/snow update?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:25 AM PST

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:42 PM PST

    Anyone who loved the story and the medieval world of KCD then I really urge you to watch Kingdom of Heaven (Directors Cut)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:33 PM PST

    Killing all bandits in Vranik before anything happens

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:57 AM PST


    It turns out this swordmaster from the beginning of the game happens to be invincible, so you can't slaughter them all. Also you can't directly attack him, the only type of damage would be from master block, but it doesn't do anything to him as you can see in the video i just uploaded (czech subtitles).

    In Pribyslavitz i did this succesfuly, only it didn't have any effect on the battle, so in this case it would probably end up the same even if you did manage to kill them all...

    So yeah some of you probably wondered what happens if you try this :D

    TLDR: Can't kill them all

    submitted by /u/duven_blade
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    Do the items in the NPC’s chests reset? Consequences for stealing items?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:53 AM PST

    So, I almost just started playing this game. I'm doing the quest "The Good Thief", where I have to get a buried man's ring and give it to Miller. I lured Executioner Hermann away from his house and emptied every storage box he had.

    Will this impact anything in the game in any way? And will they respawn? I'm just afraid that he somehow notices they're gone and gets mad at me, as I want to do other quests regarding him, in the future.

    I now have a shit-ton of "stolen items", too, btw. What can I do with those? I know that I can sell them to Miller, but I kind of want to keep the sword...

    submitted by /u/why-can-i-taste-pee
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    Have I ever mention how much I love the combat in this game?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:52 PM PST

    That swine, the Custodian

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:03 PM PST

    So the custodian at the monastery threw me in jail, which really pissed me off. I immediately went to his house to get revenge, I was planning to knock him out and steal his stuff but things went a little pear shaped and I ended up killing him and three guards. I now have the little symbol next to the compass signifying I'll have to pay a fine. This seems a little odd. One of the monks saw me fighting the door guard outside but all four kills happened upstairs with no living witnesses. Can I just pay a fine and go about my business? Should I just whistle up my horse and hightail it out of there? I'm worried I might get another ten hours down the line and realise I've screwed myself over somehow. Another strange thing is having googled it, all the results are from people saying he's invincible and you can't even hit him. I'm literally looking at his corpse right now.

    submitted by /u/ClaritySam
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    Why does it feel like nothing actually works?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:11 AM PST

    This is a little bit of both a question and a rant. Basically, on PS4 at least, everything feels extremely slow and nothing seems to work. Everything that the game teaches you (attacking open areas, feitns, chain strikes, combos) just plain fails in a fight, if I try to attack an open spot in the enemy's defenses I master striked, if I try a feint to start a combo I get master striked, if I try to chain attacks together Henry just wants to move slow and lethargic and can you guess what happens next? Master striked. Early game enemies feel like late game tyrants, because Henry won't move fast enough for me to effectively chain moves or get a good hit in. It seems I almost always get master striked no matter what I change, how good my timing is, or how well I pull off a combo (if Henry decides even a simple false edge strike is worth doing). I've trained for hours upon hours upon hours at a time with Captain Bernard, and everytime I think I have the timing down and I have the hang of it, Henry decides a move just isn't worth doing so he won't take the damn swing. I just can't figure it out, and I've dropped the game several times for months because I'm so frustrated that I'm not getting even just a little bit better. My opponents almost always block everything I try to hit them with, no matter where their sword is or if it's something that I've already pulled on them, and that's if I'm not met with just straight up master strikes everytime I even twitch my sword. I understand that this isn't a game where everything is just going to come easy, but months of no progress, every enemy master striking with pixel perfect precision, and impossible to dissect timing is a little bit ridiculous isn't it?

    submitted by /u/SkrumpleBumple
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