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    Sunday, April 4, 2021

    Kingdom Come My tattoo of Henry wearing the Nurembergian armor

    Kingdom Come My tattoo of Henry wearing the Nurembergian armor

    My tattoo of Henry wearing the Nurembergian armor

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Henry when guard tries to arrest him for murdering the entire village

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Radzig is awesome

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    Writers often try to mould characters around a specific type of personality. Hanush is the good natured, blustering oaf, Bernard is the hard bitten old warrior, Divish is the diplomatist. Radzig doesn't really fit into a category. He's measured, calculating and extremely competent. He is so hard to read that I thought he was going to be the villain during the early game. I guess Spock from Star Trek is a reasonable comparison, but Radzig is much more earthly and normal.

    There was never a point where he lost his temper or control over his emotions. When Henry made mistakes, Radzig calmly advised him on what would have been the correct course of action and moved on right away. Despite the fact that he doesn't experience any character growth, he is still an excellent character and fits in perfectly with the medieval setting. We need more Radzigs in fiction.

    submitted by /u/markeljachson
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    The guards flexing after arresting me for sleeping without a torch with aggro townsfolk egging them on

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    Mutt's AI.. Highly accurate.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    Not only did I keep my promise to the father that Radzig would not hang Reeky but I also made him take a bath...at home!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:53 AM PDT


    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    The power of rtx 3060 ti

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Where exactly are these fucking super peasants learning combat from, and who the fuck is teaching them this fucking bullshit?!!!!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood salty guy back here again with another rant.


    U know what the only good thing is? Them not wearing armor, so u can long sword them to death...EXCEPT THEM AND THEIR FUCKING BUDDIES WHACK U LIKE THIS FUCKING SONG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg1U6cmMYU4) SO U HAVE NO FUCKING STAMINA LEFT THEN COMBINED WITH DARK EVENING AND YOUR FUCKING BLEEDING FOREHEAD AND THAT. ONE. FUCKING. DOG.

    submitted by /u/balne
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    Found these poor ladies in the woods. I’ve never seen them before, I thought it was a neat Accident to walk up on.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Do you know any RPGs similar to Kingdom Come?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I just finished KCD, it's now one of my favorite games and I fill kinda sad the story is all over. Even the sequel will probably be realesed atleast after 2-3 years since they haven't even announced it yet. But I want to experience the feeling I had while playing KCD again. So do you know any games that are similar to KCD, and by that I mean, RPGs that are realistic, set in medieval times, don't have any magical stuff and are relatively hardcore.

    submitted by /u/romanenko262
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    But sir ... that wasn't my thumb ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:59 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Aight im pissed. I went looking for a fight, found it. GOT A DECORATED SABER, my new favorite sword. Went back looking for another fight, died. Now! My question is.....

    Where can i buy a decorated saber

    submitted by /u/thehunter_25
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    Do potions have any effect for skills that are already max level?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    For example the padfoot potion, will it improve stealth even though stealth is already at max level?

    submitted by /u/praqueviver
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    Light flickering every time I point at fire(at night)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Here's the video https://streamable.com/17ewbl Whatever I change in the graphics options doesn't do anything to fix this, I tried every combination nothing has an effect. Happens at every location during night, indoors/outdoors.

    Only graphical mods I have is the dot changing mod and Optimized Graphical Preset which is a well known and used mod, that shouldn't be the problem all it does is give additional graphical options.

    submitted by /u/Krstoserofil
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    Uhm I can't join the KCD forums...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    I am trying to join the official forums, but the Sign Up process just doesn't work...

    Here's an image https://i.imgur.com/5v01KMh.png

    When I click "Create New Account", nothing happens, I tried on Chrome and Firefox. Obviously I edited out other information out of the image.

    I tried clicking those two links but again, nothing helps.

    submitted by /u/Krstoserofil
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    Sometimes this game is just stupid

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I'm at the All that glisters quest and am having trouble clearing the mine. Usually I end up surrounded and beaten to death by 4 bandits. Then finally, today I managed to beat them all. And then out of nowhere 3 cumans show up and obliterate me...

    submitted by /u/TheSkyLax
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    Tips for Hardcore?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Started a hard-core playthrough with all 9 debuffs. Spent a long time picking herbs in Skallitz. Plan to use them in Alchemy to make potions for combating Henry's ailments and to make some money. Good plan? Have any other tips in general?

    submitted by /u/ICLazeru
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    From the ashes issue

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    I was saving up money to upgrade pribyslavitz and was asked to see sir divish. He then dismissed me as bailiff. What should I do to become bailiff again?

    submitted by /u/yaboi12345678901
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    Not dedication, it was OCD.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    Perfect AI

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    I'm a rich boi

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    Was the game boring for you at some time?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    I was playing Kingdom Come for 38 hours and I had two breaks from this game. The second break I have now, because game started to bore me. I will return to playing this game but idk when. So how about you? BUT PLEASE NO SPOILERS I didn't finish the game yet.

    submitted by /u/RegardedGecko51
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    Awful how these terrible times change some people...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Filthy tricks are a choice

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:46 AM PDT

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