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    Friday, March 12, 2021

    Kingdom Come Does my roommate look like a Cuman?

    Kingdom Come Does my roommate look like a Cuman?

    Does my roommate look like a Cuman?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:54 PM PST

    Me after buying a book to level up strength

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PST


    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 07:29 AM PST

    forgot to post, just got it yesterday!! my most prized platinum trophy to date :) the second pic is my Henry statue made out of bronze, you guys like it? :) it's limited as you can see, only 99 pieces made. I'm czech btw

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:11 AM PST

    KC:D Quiz

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:17 AM PST

    Curious: What comes next with Kingdome Come Deliverance?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:03 AM PST


    I really enjoyed KCD and I'm curious about what WHS will make out of this fantastic game and possible sequels in the future.

    But I did not find much official information except that WHS is still working on KCD (new languages) and also on an "unanounced project". I don't want to complain, I just want to read some community thoughts on this:

    Do you think there will be more DLCs for KCD? What do you think a KCD2 will or should look like? What are you most excited about? And does anyone have a clou on how long the development will take, or when we will hear more official news from WHS?

    submitted by /u/foley26
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    Ultimate Hardcore Guide (with all negative perks)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:16 AM PST

    Please note this guide contains alot of spoilers, so avoid it if you haven't played the game yourselves yet.

    Also note that I'm a cheesy type of player myself (no cheats or anything though, just abusing knowledge), so if you don't like that kind of an approach, this isn't the guide for you.

    I wanted to make this post for those of you who want to complete KCD on Hardcore with all negative perks. Also it contains a lot of general tips useful for Normal playthroughs.

    Hardcore, two perks

    • First one, Nightmares. The easiest perk to make your way around. What it does is it reduces all your base skills by 2 for 2 hours after waking up. Now if you're already looking at it smart you can easily avoid this perk by just waiting for 2 hours.

    • Second one, three choices: Sonambulant, if you're not afraid of waking up 100 meters from the bed, pick this perk. Then, depending on your apetite, pick either Tapeworm or Brittle bones. These are both less severe in comparison to other perks. Tapeworm just forces you to eat more often and Brittle bones increases fall damage by quite a lot before you get the 30% reduced fall damage Agi perk. I would personally pick Sonambulant.

    Now, for the real guide, Hardcore with all negative perks


    • Use the Sun to determine east and west. Open up your clock to see if it's before or past noon. If it's before noon, the Sun is on the east. If it's past noon, the Sun is on the west. Easy.

    • If you get lost inside a forest, run to the closest forest edge. Find interesting sites and other sights. Because they do show up on the map, you can use them for navigation.

    • As for saviour schnapps: This is a painful part for those of us who hate alchemy. But trust me, this potion is one of the easier ones. Nettle you can find everywhere. For Belladonna, there is a good spot east of Rattay. Crafting Saviour Schnapps:

    • Use the alchemy bench in Rattay at the back of Apothecary's house

    • Open the book and automatically prepare the ingredients.

    • Put wine in the kettle. Put 1 nettle in the kettle. Use the bellows 5 times. Mortar & Pestle two belladonnas. As soon as the bubbles disappear, put them in the kettle. Finish potion when fire burns down. Should get around 2-3 Saviour Schnapps with this.


    • Always bring 10 bandages, few Saviour Schnapps, healing potions (Marigold decoction) with you.

    • At least 30 "human" arrows and "animal" arrows (if you go hunting).


    • You can skip using perk points if you wish. The best occasion would be with Strength's Gravedigger and Stronghold perks (assuming you're not using a shield. And yes, Stronghold only works with a shield).

    • The horsermanship perk which either makes your horse go 20% faster or allow to carry 20% more is entirely up to you.

    • However, in the vitality tree, the Sprinter perk is definitely the way to go. You can even run down rabbits on some occasions. Also note that this makes not only running faster, but also walking.

    • If you use only Strength based weapons, avoid Fast Striker. Same goes the other way with Heavy Swing.


    • in Skalitz: pick up Nettle herbs and raise your herbalism to 5. Unlock charisma buff and always keep 30 Nettles in your pocket (don't know why they count as smelling lovely). Get +2 Vit by picking up stingy herbs (Nettle).

    • Talmberg and Parents: rush this part, no need to stop here.

    Early game:

    • You have two main focuses, to level your "combat skills" to 10 and to make enough money to afford a horse.

    • The more you train with Bernard, the better. Every level of skill in Str, Agi, Combat will make everything you later do immensely easier.

    • At the very start of the game it will be very grindy to make money. You're almost naked, have very bad armour if any and have no horse. Your ultimate objective now is to make 1,5k.

    • One way to make money, my personal favourite is to go hunting at this specific spot. Can get very obnoxious due to the Shakes perk, but I believe you can make it! Sell meat to Peshek.

    • Buy Trojan Horse at the Neuhof stables from Zora. On hardcore he costs around 50% more. Please note if you want to buy him after the massacre you will probably have to wait a few days (not confirmed), so just buy him before it.

    • Use the horse and hunt your way to a Noble Saddle with four bags. I'd also prepare to buy Military Horseshoes as this makes your horse go nearly 50% faster. As for the horse upgrading part, if you're interested, you can buy Warhorse Jenda at the Merhojed stables. Statistically he is just a better version of Trojan (sorry Trojan I love what you did back then).

    Mid and late game:

    • Your main focus to help you progress and get good gear is to win the Rattay tournament 5 times in order to unlock the Leipa armour set. Also, if you're a 2H sword fan like me, I will show you how to easily get the best sword in the game, St. George's Sword.

    The Tournament:

    • This is where it starts to get tense. Many of us have problems defeating even the first and second opponent. I will teach you some tactics you can use and make your mind up how you want to approach this.

    • First tactic: There is a type of Perfect block with one handers where your punch the enemy (or he punches you) in the chin. This does BRUTAL damage in the tournament as the kettle helmets probably don't protect that well (I see you watching, pothead friends). So even if you normally use 2 Handers, i would recommend to use Axe/Mace and shield as your tournament choice just for the sake of this.

    • Second tactic. I actually feel a bit bad for knowing this. So basically I discovered a mechanic (don't know if it's me or someone already revealed it) where if you run away from an enemy they will try to run you down and strike you right after that. The strike is what interests you - a predictable perfect oppoturnity for a Perfect block. Combine this with First tactic and you're already halfway done.

    • Third tactic: only if you have high strength (at least 10). You can use your strength to clinch your opponent and drain his stamina out. Demolish him like this and punch him every now and then. Reveal your inner beast Henry and abuse him.

    • Fourth tactic: Learn combos and use them. Remember that enemy cannot dodge the last strike, giving you an extra unblockable hit for free. But here read this. If your enemy Ripostes your attack, you can't continue the combo. So if you see him Riposting, that's when you know he'll probably counterattack, so either simply walk back or dodge/riposte yourself. This is important.

    If you learn and use all four tactics, congrats. Hanush will throw top quality high charisma armour at you. Remember to bet with Peshek and save beforehand.

    Saint George's Sword:

    • North of Ledetchko in a woodland garden. It is hidden inside a Hard chest, forcing you to level up lockpicking a bit beforehand. I don't know the exact level, 5 should be enough.

    Thank you for reading this guide. I feel like I wrote almost everything I know, though I might edit later and put some more stuff in.

    Also, I'm a bit new to this community. I would love if you guys upvoted and shared. Feel free to share your throughts down below.

    Have fun! Duven

    submitted by /u/duven_blade
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    Why is Konrad Hagen such a broke ass?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:24 AM PST

    My Henry is becoming a very wealthy fella by selling stuff at the merchants in Rattay, they always have money to buy my shit. But that fucker of Konrad Hagen is broke af! While the others sit on 2-5k he is stuck at 30 and no matter how much time passes he will never have more groschen.

    As this happened to you? Is Konrad destiny to join the Skalitz refugees begging on the streets?

    submitted by /u/Shrike01
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    The Saddest Videogame Moment in Existence. God Bless You Henry.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:14 PM PST

    Just won a tourney while drunk

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Butcher or Baker, Guardhouse or Stables

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:42 AM PST

    What is better to build? nothing screams at me this is better for you since, I dont use bows much, but I also have Jenda as horse and im quite ok with him and I have no idea between baker and butcher.

    submitted by /u/Beranir
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    Slaying most of Sasau

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Who else here is an extreme medievalhead?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:09 PM PST

    Can't run away!!!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 06:35 AM PST

    I'm in the beginning of the game where Henry needs to run away after the village is attacked, but I get killed long before I see a horse. I try to run with the fast speed, but I never get close to a horse before I get killed. I have tried 15 times now at least, and I always get killed from behind while I run. I am about to delete this whole game before I even get to experience it. It is absolutely no way for me to be able to run away. I play on ps4. I have managed to reach the horse just one time, but since I didn't know what button to use, I got killed there too. Usually I don't even get down to the bottom of the hill. There is absolutely no way for me to manage this little task and I'm getting fed up. Is there any way to get this done? Any tips or tricks? I'm about to give up. If I can't get it done with 20 attempts, I just don't see it happening....

    submitted by /u/whelanli
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    [Spoilers] Just completed the main quest with shitty strength and combat skills.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:30 PM PST

    I usually always end up as a speech thief in RPG's and this is no different. Luckily, most of the campaign I can talk my way out of violence and/or I can lock pick my way outta it. The battle for Talmberg had me fuming tho. This game is so good in how ambiguous it can be. Glad I got through it with as minimal combat as possible.

    submitted by /u/El_Mucho_Danko
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    Lockpicking hints

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:02 AM PST

    Now listen to Granny Ygraine. I have found that, while lockpicking, when turning the left button, it helps to begin with it aimed at eleven o'clock. Also, get the sweet spot as close to the center as you can. Stand up to reset the lock then go back to you thievery.

    submitted by /u/GrannYgraine
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    A rock and a hard place

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 12:27 AM PST

    Does someone know how I get the money I stole to stop being stolen goods. It's 3k and I can't do anything with it and that suuuuuucks..... Fritz and Matthew died, sooo I couldn't share with them but is there any way for me to use the groschen?

    Thanks I'm advance

    submitted by /u/mxfoe
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    Do you guys really not eat?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:25 PM PST

    When playing this game I always took strong care about my food and energy levels (does that sound like horrible English?). I probably dropped to the „feeling quite hungry" level 5 times at most. In over 150 hours played. But this line seems quite memed so I assume you guys don't eat. (TLDR: I eat not get funny line you not eat get funny line -> it really be like that? You guys not eat?)

    submitted by /u/idontknowusername69
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    Funfact: Father Goodwin's character model is Dan Vávra's dad

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 03:16 PM PST

    Was just watching a czech stream here:


    And Dan (creative director/writer) mentions at one point that everyone's favourite drinking buddy is actually his facially scanned dad. So they are both in the game :)

    submitted by /u/Paul_cz
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    New player on console! Could use some helpful tips!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Hello all! I'm brand new to the game and bought all the expansions, I'm wondering about combat and alchemy mostly, any beginner tips there would help a bunch. My biggest question is about questing.

    I usually do all of the side quest available before doin fan mainquest. Is that smart in this fake? I get the sense you want to get Henry set up as a solider before doing the more involved side quests? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ElykRevette
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