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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Kingdom Come I'm still crying

    Kingdom Come I'm still crying

    I'm still crying

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    no memes for 3 days?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Saw a painting of the Sasau monastery in the national museum in prague . Thought you guys maybe find it interesting.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Anyone else have a box of just weapons and armor that weights near 4 tons?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Rainy morning

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Sooo apparently Hans Capon is supposed to be 14 or 15 years old during the events of the game.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I did not realize how young Hans is supposed to be, he looks and sounds to be solidly in his early 20s at least.

    I found this out from his real life counterpart's wikipedia page and then just to double check the official timeline also confirms this

    He's born in 1388 and the game takes place during 1403 so depending on the time of year the game takes place that would make him either 14 or 15.

    Life in the middle age Bohemia came fast I guess.

    submitted by /u/Thehealeroftri
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    Camera Controls

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Ps4 Console Peasant

    So I've recently given the game a real chance and I am absolutely loving it. After a few lessons with Bernard I'm really enjoying the combat.... As long as I'm only fighting one guy at a time.

    I find multiple opponents horrible. I'm not against it being difficult, as this is a realistic game and Henry is kind of a sissy, but I don't want it to be hard because I can't stop staring at a guy thirty feet away while another is smacking me just off to the right and I can't defend myself. I know the green shield thingy is there and Henry will target the person attacking if I make the party, but it's frustrating at best and it's hard to make that party with no idea the attack is coming.

    But the worst of it, is the sometimes awkward pathfinding of the AI. Someone will be right up against me and start running one way or another, jerking the camera all over and disorienting me.

    Any advice on handling the camera? Is there an easier way to switch targets?

    submitted by /u/R0llsroyc3
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    Nice try, cumans.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Some of this game's mini games could be their own games

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I'd play a mobile Farkle game set in the Pribyslavitz tavern.

    I'd brew potions and decoctions (preferably not at the monastery) in a browser extension.

    Can y'all think of other ways to be in that world when you're away from your platform?

    submitted by /u/hawkeye45_
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    KC:D 2 should come with a winged Henry for how much he's in the air.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    This game was much easier than the reviews I watched led me to believe.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I finished the game in about a week and I must say, the reviews on Youtube I watched really blew the game's difficulty out of proportion.

    The lockpicking is actually pretty easy (on PC atleast), I only had to use pickpocketing once and it's pretty straight forward and the combat isn't hard at all if you train with bernard for a bit. I seriously don't understand how reviewers say that this game is almost impossible.

    Also something that really annoys me about those reviews is that they say died like 3 times before escaping from Skalitz and then they play some footage of them trying to fight the Cumans instead of running.

    submitted by /u/Sirphat_1
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    I like how you can't access your horse in battle and the game does not inform you beforehand

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Obviously I put my armor in my horses inventory and thought I'd get a chance to actually put it on at the Battle of Pribyslavitz, but nope you can't access your horse or its inventory so now I'm here without any armor and my last save was so far back that I can't do anything about it. Thanks Warhorse.

    submitted by /u/John_Lowell
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    Value of Groschen today?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    This may be a stupid question that can't be answered but whenever I watch a historical movie/show or anything like that I always try and put the amount of money in context of today (Peaky Blinders for example). Is there anyway of being able to know the value of 1 Groschen today? Maybe historical records saying what 1 Groschen could buy so we could convert it like that?

    submitted by /u/Outasight21500
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    I thought this fits perfectly into KCD. Holy, and majestic.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Guys, I need moral support. Today I cut the little finger on my left hand and can't gallop anymore!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Who needs a prisoner mod, when the Uzhitz stall even has an exciting prisoner escape feature?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    *SPOILERS* Anyone else completely lost immersion after the "big twist"?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys, this will come off a little negative, but it comes from a good place. I started this game later than others, mainly due to the interest in sword fighting system and emphasis on realism, but ended up being engrossed in the world, story and making my way through it all. The variety to choice in how to progress objectives was a welcome breath of fresh air, feeling like I was crafting my own way and then... yeah.

    A lot of the second half of the main story is extremely off-putting and totally broke my immersion, I was completely enchanted when I first started off, but... like... all of the sudden your father is not your real father? Dadzig is? All he did is send you to suicidal missions with little to none support! "Oh, a camp full of Cumins and bandits? Yeah, we definitely need to take 75 % to 100 % of our soldiers for those, but you mind going on your own to sabotage them? Kkthxbai".

    He always cared for you? First reaction when he sees you in Talmberg is to go "Oh, he is alive, good deal. Just stay there until the *end of time.*. Seriously, unspecified period, no big deal.".

    "You need to infiltrate a band of bandits. Technically, I could help by just setting you up with a squad of soldiers to capture them and give to the executioner for interrogation like we keep saying we can do, but there is a monastery involved somewhere in that part of the country, so I can't help, sorry".

    Suddenly after you are whipped and beaten in captivity, he goes: "Call me father... and also run like hell to Talmberg to start the war campaign."

    "But my fatherlord, please, can't you just send a messenger, I want a nap and a few days to recover, maybe grab a pint, this was quite the ordeal..."

    "Not really, no. Right away now. Also, we should definitely talk. Later."

    And it suddenly turns out everyone knew! Oh, wow.

    That is the thing, the story made sense before that part. Being given increasingly difficult tasks with little support when you were a determined, but average nobody, made sense. Someone replaceable, even if capable. It made zero to no sense if there was deeper affiliation.

    I won't get into how the ability for "meaningful choice" completely fades out around the later quests, with zero allowance for input on strategic choice for the progression and significant rail roading into expected behavior. Apparently I am very easily fine with that guy being my father, even though the build up for that is as gentle as facial plastic surgery with the ol' trusty spade.

    I really -want- to get it into how the mother's name is not mentioned -once-. "I couldn't marry a commoner". Oh wow, you considered it? Maybe loved her? Okay, do you at least know her name? "Martin took care of the both of you". Sure. Both of us who, again?

    The story would have been so much better if it continued off the way it started. I am not saying that Henry being a bastard is not "realistic", but the way it is shown isn't. I would have bought it all, hook, line and sinker if Notdadzig actually said outright that he hates me and wish I wasn't alive. It would have actually made the whole thing better and deeper, but as it is, it doesn't feel like he is neither here nor there.

    Honestly this completely put me off the entire experience and all I wanted was to finish it and never pick it up again. If it was another game that was more consistently mediocre I probably would have not batted an eye, but here the great dip in quality in writing was noticeable simply because of the incredible achievements that happen at other times.

    Thanks to whoever reads this, just needed to get it out of my chest. At total, I threw in 70+ hours in this game (rough estimation, can only see my time in saves at 56 hours, so all the lost time in progress without save files isn't really there) and loved 30-40 of them, so I got my money's worth and will definitely be getting the second one, but... it is like eating a 2 day old cabbage. Sating, but with a side of food poisoning.

    Have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Rhadegar
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