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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Kingdom Come Gary Hans Capon and Henry Hopkins

    Kingdom Come Gary Hans Capon and Henry Hopkins

    Gary Hans Capon and Henry Hopkins





    Yea, im very fucking salty about this.

    submitted by /u/balne
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    This game makes me so happy :) The Realism/groundedness , combat, characters, story, and the plants, esp the plants.


    I just beat the tourney! The first time!


    The moment you realize that maybe you should have stayed at home instead of trying to assault people from bushes


    Henry Reconsiders His Giantess Fetish


    When you can’t find comfortable hay so you use a bandit as a body pillow


    May the Lord forgive my sins


    Maximum speech in Skalitz(When woken up by mom)


    Does anyone know, or has anyone found out, how much speech you can get to in Skalitz? And I mean before getting dad's beer, because if you want to use the Final Offer perk in Skalitz, you need that freedom of haggling with everyone. And not be stuck to buy another pitcher. Although you could afford it. But it does not give you any more speech after that...

    submitted by /u/sjtimmer7
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    Bad Blood Quest, revelation and question


    Needless to say, this post will have spoilers for a mid-game DLC quest, Bad Blood. Please don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.

    So man, I continue to admire that KCD pushes me to think at least a LITTLE outside the box on its quests. For this one, I decided to track down the bandits who raided the farmhouse. I found them not too far away. Dummy me, I saw one obvious option in front of me: fight the raiders. Now, in my defense, my Henry has killed a lot of enemies all by himself, and I didn't think that a band of raiders would be any harder than the camps of cumans I've wiped out. However, I think I'm a bit more creative when attacking cuman camps--I almost always attack at night, where even if I'm not successful in stealth I'm waking up enemies who are not dressed for battle, and I can wipe them out before they can put on their armor. For the bandit raid, I don't know if waiting for nightfall is a viable option, I just opted for a daylight attack.

    I'm not sure if the raiders are any harder than cumans--they're not really equipped that well, I don't know if they have some high skill levels or anything like that. I think the big issue is just that there's a boatload of them, like seven--I just think that no matter how I angle around there's pretty much always going to be one or more raiders behind me taking attacks of opportunity. This is also the first time the soft lock camera "feature" really ruined my day. Nothing like holding "S" to try to back away and get all my enemies in front of me, only to have Henry swaying over to the left, or right, to auto-lock onto one of the enemies. As a result, instead of consistently backing away, I was more consistently back-circling.

    Anyway, I tried about four times or so to win that battle. I'm not willing to do blatantly "cheesy" tactics, I don't do horse kiting because none of Henry's enemies ever get to ride a horse. I just figured I'd win the battle the way I win other battles--superior gear, my dog Mutt, and gratuitous use of masterstriking. I came fairly close the fourth attempt, killed several of them, had only two engaging me in melee, maybe others shooting arrows, I dunno, but I ultimately lost again, I was really disappointed with that. I took a deep breath, looked at my journal entry, and the entry actually suggested that I could go tell Kuno about the camp's location. My goodness, I felt like a dummy, who wouldn't at least think of that? So many video games just ignore the idea of asking for back-up, and put the protagonist in the recurring role of lone hero, it just didn't even occur to me that Henry shouldn't be expected to fight more than a half dozen enemies all by himself! My humble compliments to Warhorse on the feature of calling backup!

    So I returned to Kuno, got the band together, and we killed off the raiders, with me sniping with a bow from the sidelines. Afterward, I noticed that two of Kuno's men died in the battle, Stone and Fletching. But they seem to be coded as invincible, since there's a greyed out "kill" option for their bodies. So I think they'll be back alive when I go to the next phase of the quest. I looked it up online and what I saw seemed to confirm that belief. Am I correct though?

    Anyway, great start to this DLC quest!

    submitted by /u/pet_wolverine
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    Don't you find it odd and immersion breaking, that animals do not produce sounds?


    This really hit me when I saw boars, and then I saw them run and make absolutely no sound. Then I went "huh", and yeah I never heard any non-dog animal in the woods produce sounds (maybe livestock produces them).

    I haven't yet saw many horses though.

    But c'mon, I doubt a few environmental sounds like running through the forest and a few calls would have been THAT expensive, especially since there is so many DLC.

    Are there any mods that maybe add sounds like that?

    submitted by /u/MeSmeshFruit
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    After leaping over a wide chasm in my rush to get to the Rattay Tourney, I realised that I had arrived rather early. They don't seem to have finished building the arena, or that part of the castle, yet.


    Can I change a building in the DLC "from the ashes"?


    Just started this DLC and began to wonder if the buildings you can choose from, can later be changed to the other options.

    Jesus Christ be praised!

    submitted by /u/Xardas_the_Wizard
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    In God's name, is there a fix for this light flickering!?




    How am i supposed to get enough money for Prybslavtz


    The first purchase is 2500G. I can barely muster that much even after completing the main quests and side quests rarely give more then 200G. How does anyone have enough gold to do this DLC?

    submitted by /u/CamSal69
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    I killed the Armoursmith of Rattay


    I killed him and now his store is locked, could someone answer me if he comes back?

    submitted by /u/Godistrike
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    Game in German


    To make a long story short, I love this game and I studied German in college. I'm considering doing a second play through in German to practice and maintain my German (I am EXTREMELY rusty), but I remember seeing elsewhere on the internet that the German isn't very well done.

    Can any Muttersprachler weigh in on this? Ich hab seit letzen Jahr kein richtiges Deutsch geübt.

    Ich danke euch mal :)

    submitted by /u/sweetladypropane108
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    Has there been any leaks or news or rumors about kingdomcome deliverance 2?


    Just beat the game about 5 minutes ago and wondering if there's been any news about the sequel?

    submitted by /u/Thirubius
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    Hans Capon won't come out of his room....for days...maybe ever. Anyone else have this problem? Any fixes?


    Marker says he is in there. But the door is locked and a guard is standing there 24/7. What gives? He catch the plague or something?

    submitted by /u/ICLazeru
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