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    Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    Kingdom Come Pushin' past the limit, trippin' on Artemisia potions

    Kingdom Come Pushin' past the limit, trippin' on Artemisia potions

    Pushin' past the limit, trippin' on Artemisia potions

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    I didn't think it was possible--KCD's hardcore mode surpasses Morrowind in terms of immersive exploration in an open world game.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Has anyone seen the video, 'following the dotted line,' by Gamemaker's toolkit? He describes a common problem in modern open world games where quest markers, minimaps, and navigational hud elements break immerssion by drawing your attention to a 2d sprite on the screen instead of being immersed in the detailed environment that was painstakingly created by hundreds of talented artists.

    Here's a link to the video: https://youtu.be/FzOCkXsyIqo

    IMO, kingdom come deliverance is the gold standard for an open world game that works without a minimap, dotted lines, or hud quest markers. The hardcore mode disables all questmarkers on the compass (quest markers only show up on the map menu or within 10 meters or so on the hud compass), removes the cardinal directions on the navigation compass, removes fast travel, and there is no location marker for the player on the map.

    When you perform any quest, the characters always give specific directions and landmarks to use. Since you dont have a compass, you have to use the position of the sun and moon to tell which way is north, and use terrain association and landmarks to navigate the map. Its incredibly immersive and draws you into the world. It actually works even better than Morrowind which i find incredible, because the journal is better organized and useable. When you pair this mode with the wilderness camping mod, there is a real sense of exploration and adventure that is unprecedented. All of the dialogue is even voiced so I'm absolutely stunned by this feature.

    On reddit, whenever the complaint of minimaps and questmarkers are brought up, gamers always defend modern open world RPGs by saying, "you can just disable it." But in practice, this never works. I tried doing this on Skyrim, Fallout 3-4, and The witcher 3. And the games just fall apart--you get a quest, and the game never indicates to you where you need to go or how to get there in an immersive way, there is a just a sudden magical point on the map that tells exactly where you should go, without any rhyme or reason. Its immersion breaking. Breath of the wild is the only modern game i can think of that works without a GPS or hud compass.

    The thing is, KCD does exploration in a unique way--the quest marker on the map doesn't take you directly to the exact spot you need to go. Rather, the general location is marked with a highlighted region where you should look. This, paired with the fact that your position isn't marked, and unexplored areas are obscured by fog, means that even very basic quests, like delivering something to someone, becomes a journey in itself where you have to pay attention to your environment to complete it. Because there is no fast travel or save anywhere , you actually need to rest at inns, gear-up and plan your journeys.

    One of my favorite parts of my military training was doing day and night land navigational courses, where I was given a map, compass, a list of grid coordinates of locations I had to get to collect these unique hole-punch keys and bring to the finish. Water points, medics, ration supplies, and major bounderies were marked on the map and we were released for the day (sometimes in pairs or alone) in a massive wilderness training area to gather the correct points and return back. It was fun to hike and explore, and slowly build an awareness of the environment. I would hike up to the top of a ridgeline or hilltop to look out over the terrain to identify key landmarks and terrain features. Certain terrain features like bogs or swamps would make navigating difficult, so i would plan a route around tricky obstacles.

    KCD really captures that feeling of exploration that has been missing from the open world genre, and I wish more people would talk about it.


    The only things I would like to see improved in KCD 2 is perhaps better in-world navigation aids, such as road signs, the ability to ask NPCs for directions, and an in-world fast-travel system such as carriages and boats that take you from city to city.

    submitted by /u/ShapelessHail
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    Im a born virgin even in video games

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Found you guys spilling over into r/CrusaderKings

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Surprisingly a lot of people never touched hardcore mode in KCD or even finished it, so I decided to make this clip. Enjoy!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Guess the Quest!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:44 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Just stayed up an extra 3 hours to do some shit in Kingdom Come and I ended up losing all of that progress cuz some guy force grabbed me off my horse from 5 feet and stunlocked me with a polearm 😓💔

    submitted by /u/rufusfan53
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    Where can i sleep in rattay?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    other than pesheks mill and the refugee camp qt the gate?

    submitted by /u/sanadabulaila
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    Imagine killing out half the Pribyslavitz camp and coming back to Radzig causally enjoying his afternoon.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    [PSA] Skalice silver mines are a special building in Crusader Kings III (Caslav county) and they are goddamn powerful!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    How does convincing in dialogues work?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    I'm a veteran of KCD and I'm on my 3erd playthrough, but it is my first time with version 1.9.1 and it seems that the ability to convince or trick people in dialogues is different. But I don't understand how I, for example, have more reputation or dialogue points than the other person, I use then the the dialogue option where I have more points then the other person and yet I fail in convincing or tricking the character. Did they reworked this or is it a bug?

    submitted by /u/Dimka1498
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    Low fps in first castle

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    Just picked up this game now that I have a PC capable of running it, to be met with low FPS. The starting place ran fine, 70+ besides the inside of Henry's parents house. Running all very high, with shadows to medium with HD Textures on. All scalable settings are below half, running on 1080p. I dropped below 40 in the first castle once you escape the Cuman.

    Rx 590 8gb

    Ryzen 3600x

    16gb ram

    On SSD

    Drivers are up to date, no external programs running, and no mods installed. Even tried high priority in task manager.

    Any help would be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/Amish_Opposition
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    Quest Question

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hello, are there more missions "Keeping the Peace" like? The patrolling and such? Or is it a one-time thing?

    submitted by /u/alek_el
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