• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Kingdom Come "That sword is like any other sword Henry"

    Kingdom Come "That sword is like any other sword Henry"

    "That sword is like any other sword Henry"

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Henry is #teamtrees

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:47 PM PST

    I got the art of KCD for my birthday and saw this in the user interface saction

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:13 AM PST

    NPC bumped into me, gave this dialogue a much more sinister feel

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Gairf arrow glitch?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    So i was slaughtering people in ratay when I searched some guards for arrows when a couple had 239 arrows just one guard had 240 arrows

    submitted by /u/redreeg7
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    I was walking through the woods and I heard this. Anyone know what it is?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Merciful Trophy: Do I have to kill Runt?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Im doing a Merciful/Celibate/No reading playthrough and I just finished the main quest where you have to kill Runt at Pribyslavitz.

    After a few fails I managed to 'beat' in the Chruches attic which took atleast 10 to 15mins. The cutscene came just a second too early (he still had a tiny bit of health left) and now my statistic show I still have 0 kills.

    The merciful trophy states tho that I have to kill Runt but it isnt marked as a kill? Might ending the main story with 0 registered kills fail the trophy?

    submitted by /u/u6845
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    A quick commentary on the game

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:36 AM PST

    First of all this game is my fucking baby. It might be my medieval obsession that got me so attached to it, but man did I enjoy the shit out of it in the week i spent playing it. It's not the best game ever but whenever i think about it some kind of nostalgia hits me because it's such a good game with such a good story that ended too soon. The characters, the mechanics, the locations, and many more made this game one of my favourites. Some people who aren't patient in this game say it's bad, and that's most probably because it's not the medieval rpg they expected. You're not a dragonborn or a monster hunter with magical powers, you're the iliterate son of a blacksmith. And that makes the game even more awesome. It throws you, a charismatic but ordinary man, in a tough world in wich you aren't spoon fed. It's hard at the beggining and that's even better because you don't immediately become a knight (also Henry is awesome). You gotta go through some progression in order to hone your skills and that's why people who play little of it say it's boring. I got the full experience of this game and it was something i could never forget. 10/10

    submitted by /u/nostradamus_0
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    How is the game now? (PS4)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:41 AM PST

    Thinking about getting this game but I heard there were a lot of glitches and bugs at release, have they been patched?

    submitted by /u/_praisethesun_
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    How do i attract guards?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:48 AM PST

    i find out that whistling is a good way to get a guard to leave its post but the fucking horse struts along to me at that point. is there a way to throw a rock or shoot an arrow at a surface like skyrim to make a guard turn around or inspect an area, i cant believe a game that likes to go on how "realistic it is" is so bare bones with its mechanics.

    submitted by /u/damn_duude
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    I can’t get passed A Good Thief, it’s embarrassing

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Despite Kingdom Come is not a type of game that I usually play it was one title that I really wanted to get into, I'm just not used to a RPG like this and it pisses me off that I'm stuck on the first open world quest.

    In the quest A Good Thief (which is VERY early in the game) I have to steal a ring from a executioner. The ring, to my knowledge, is locked inside a chest inside the guys house. Every guid in the web shows that you have to lockpick the chest from his house, but I move my stick a centimeter and the lockpick breaks (I am playing on consoles btw, I heard lockpicking is harder). I know that I can level up my lockpick skills, but I have no idea how in that point of the game.

    I even tried knocking the guy out with the stealth knockout skill I got, but he is always able to get himself away from my choke hold.

    I really don't know what to do other then lockpicking the guys front door and one of the chests. But despite seeing tutorials I can't come close to picking the lock out of anything, even the practice chest from the Mill guy.

    submitted by /u/luccasalomone11
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    Lost all my equiment after the A Needle In A Haystack quest

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:18 AM PST

    Spoilers ahead

    I arrested Antonious, the bailiff said he would bring me my stuff from the monastery. He doesn't.

    Some people on the internet say that the items should be still at the monastery. They aren't, I know the chest they would be stored at and it's not there anymore. Other people say the items should be in any of my personal chests. Nope, still not there.

    Where should I go to get my stuff back? I cannot afford to lose them, because these were mostly unique DLC armoury.

    submitted by /u/ddplf
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    Kingdom Come on PS5?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Was wondering, if the PS5 will have backward compatibility for PS4 Games, any games bought on the PS Store should be playable on the PS5 I think right? Asking this as bought KCD long time ago as soon as pre-order was available. Unfortunately, my PS4 couldn't handle it at all and became unplayable. Was hoping if backward compatibility will be available (which AFAIK will be the case), then KCD should be more than playable on the new PS.

    submitted by /u/valletta2019
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    If only this game had a 2 player coop

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:18 AM PST

    Even Reddit is pointing me to This sub/game and I know how good it is. But when I play I play with friends and we both would instantly buy it if it had coop. That's it. Just wanted to say that after Reddit put me here

    submitted by /u/IOpaFritzI
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    Pixelated shadow

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Pixelated shadow

    I hope people here know how to deal with this games issues.

    I just noticed the shadows are very pixalated especially noticiable at night from torches casting shadows.

    Only time Ive ever seen this in any game before. It doesn't matter what my in game settings are as I've tried changing everything to ultra. It didnt help.

    Is this normal and can I fix it? I can't find much info about this. Certainly nothing that has helped. Thanks

    Game version is 1.9.4 which is most recent. system is Windows 10, 1600x ryzen, with rtx2060

    EDIT: Also I've tried the pixelated edges be gone mod. I didn't work, at least not for this issue. Other changes to the user.ini DO work so I assume it just doesn't address this issue.

    Pixlel dhadow

    Pixel shadow

    submitted by /u/Corebela
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    Does the game actually work now (PC)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Played it a year ago and although i had a fun ass time, the bugs and horrible optimization prevented me from playing any further

    Did they fix it or are they still doing the dumbass "we are small team so we cant fix major ass bugs :)))" thing

    submitted by /u/fartbrah
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    Black Peter the sore loser.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:21 AM PST

    I'm pretty pissed off cause my game saved right before I run into black peter waiting for me outside of Rattay after winning the tournament. I manage to kill him but not before he poisons me and I die before I can get any help. There goes 40 hours of gameplay.

    submitted by /u/SocraticSalvation
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    St. George sword other location

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

    It is not mentioned on the sword's wiki but it is actually possible to obtain the sword easily at the end of the game. When you and Hans Capon meet on the road near Neuhof (I think) and prepare to go on a mission. You will find a chest at the camp just wait till everyone goes to sleep then steal the sword. This was done on the Xbox One edition

    submitted by /u/PigGuy1988
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