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    Sunday, April 25, 2021

    Kingdom Come What a night, I love this game

    Kingdom Come What a night, I love this game

    What a night, I love this game

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    Oh God I just slept with a bath maid that has the same face model as Henry’s mother

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    How to Black Peter (Hardcore Mode, with reveal HUD mod installed)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Trial-and-Error Achievement Question

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    To get this achievement you must renew the whole of Pribyslavitz without being able to read. I haven't completed Mightier than the Sword and honestly, I quite enjoy being an illiterate peasant (quests play out slightly differently). However, I am tempted to take the Scholar perk which will momentarily (as opposed to permanently) increase my reading skills by three points. This is so I can complete a certain quest to save a certain town from utter annihilation (you know the one). My question is, if I take this perk, can I still get this achievement? My understanding is that only completing Mightier than the Sword will nullify this achievement, but maybe the game will nullify it by taking into consideration of my temporary reading skills.

    I can always postpone taking the quest(s) that require reading but from an immersion perspective the pacing would just be really weird (i.e. Radzig tells Henry to go interrogate a captured and dying bandit and Henry just fucks off for three months to build Pribyslavitz).

    submitted by /u/Cogents
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    Roadmen of Skalitz

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Why does the game treat Reading like an inconvenience?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    There are many times in KCD where I need to pass time, usually in the evening or in the morning if I need to pass time until shops open or a quest starts and reading is perfect for that as it passes time, with the perk "In the Flow" you use less resources than just waiting and build a skill whilst your at it.

    I am perplexed however as to why many of the perks in the reading tree treat reading books as if it's an awkward date or tedious day out with your parents buying clothes that you just want to end as soon as possible. Half of which seem absolutely pointless, Avid Reader for instance makes you read in your sleep, making the Learning bonus completely irrelevant, Cushion, Swot and Colleague are essentially useless too (I literally saw no differences in prices for books, or it was so small as to be insignificant).

    I was confused at first as to what the difference the Learning bonus made to reading, I thought that the higher the comfort the more XP Henry was able to get out of books, that's not the case at all though and all it does is read the book faster. It's the same with higher reading skill, all it does is make the books read faster with no other discernible benefit.

    The jumbling of letters doesn't seem pronounced enough either, before Henry learns to read you can still make out the recipes in the Alchemy book, maybe it would have been better to either introduce some foreign/non-Latin characters rather than just moving a few of the letters around to make it so that it actually seems like Henry is getting better at reading. It's pretty amazing that an Adult could learn to read in an afternoon, it usually takes adults years.

    Before long you reach a point where you've read nearly every skill book in the game and you end up with a situation where you need to pass time and you have to wait instead of reading. What's the deal with treating reading as though it's some kind of massive hassle? Surely it would make more sense to have skill books take 3 or 4 times longer to read, possibly be re-readable though with a limit on XP gained from them.

    submitted by /u/FeatsOfStrength
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    What's the most profitable recipe of alchemy early on?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Also reading? Where can we get good skill books for levelling up that?

    submitted by /u/Vammypoker
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    Thought I'd jump on the latest TikTok trend

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Regarding From the Ashes

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Are there any (long term) consequences for an underpaid locator?

    Previously, I always gave him a decent amount.. but I hate his attitude (the way he talks to me, raising his chin and pointing into my direction). He even works directly for Divish but I do have to pay his loan like everything else I pay, too.He also insists on a way higher payment than the one Divish usually gave him (55 groschen/day would be his usual wage, while 80 is still more, but he wants 120).

    Not to mention I saved his life.. And his work isn't even needed imo.. or every other cheaper locator could do the job, too..

    Are there any conequences to my reputation/population later on?

    Edit: if you lose the speech check for the 80 groschen option, he even wants 80 + 120 groschen, lol (might be a bug though).

    submitted by /u/Sombrakata
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    You can get neck deep in a river during combat. (sorry for phone pic, Pc is ethernet only and BB is down)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    Seems like I've found Father Godwin's congregation

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Pribyslavitz Stone

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    I've been building up Pribyslavitz, going well, have all the resources, save for stone. Quarryman Rupert is pissed off at me and runs away whenever I try and talk to him. Rightfully so; I killed him in the Matthew and Fritz quarry heist, but I'm pretty sure I softlocked the village's progress.

    Is there any alternative source of stone, or any way to get Rupert to talk to me? Thank you bunches for any replies.

    submitted by /u/HowToSpellCthulhu
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    Outfit which makes you completely unrecognizable (no crime penalty)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    I wish there was a way to dress yourself so you become instantly unrecognizable. I feel like full body armor with a face-covering helmet ought to make it impossible for people to know who you are and thus preventing you from getting a bounty and/or from impacting your standing in a town. I was hoping Cuman armors would work this way, maybe with the penalty of people becoming instantly hostile, but alas.

    I know in some other games, like Red Dead Redemption 1, there are sometimes pierces of clothing (in RD:R's case a bandana) which worked this way (not sure if they kept it in RD:R2 though). I had some hope the "magical Cuman armor" you get in Masquerade would work like this as an obtainable item, maybe only if you made it "the hard way" but sadly no.

    Anyone know of an outfit (in game or mod) which makes can make this happen? If not I hope they include it in the Sequel. Could be nice to roleplay as a roadside raider this way. It's not too farfetched for the realism part that when your face is covered, people have now way of knowing who you are. Maybe as a debuff full armours can be more rare, so if you use one, that piece of armour is now suspicious.

    submitted by /u/Alexthegreatbelgian
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    Best/favorite mods? I know this is a generic and open-ended question, but I’ve played and loved KCD 3x on PS4, but am thinking about trying it on a new PC I bought for an even better experience.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:29 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/HurinofLammoth
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    Adaptive Music in Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Real-time demo in the developer's interface

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    I love the Xbox Series X

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 04:18 PM PDT

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