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    Friday, April 16, 2021

    Kingdom Come I'm afraid!

    Kingdom Come I'm afraid!

    I'm afraid!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    Dam Cummans!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Advice how to get the good ending for Johanka

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    It has already been discussed here in the past but I decided to come forward with my own experience which may help someone who is struggling. I managed to pull it off without any guide just using my common sense while avoiding options that smelled too much like overdoing/tryharding as they are mostly bait.

    I will just summarise the obvious: Throughout the shole questline try to behave honourably to get as many willing witnesses as possible. When it comes to it don't bribe the bailiff, don't sleep with Adela "for old times sake", don't take credit for Pavel's donation and tel the inquisitor at least about one thing that is happening in the province (for example waldesians seem to be a safe way to go so you don't even have to betray father Goodwin by ratting out on him)... oh and probably don't have the "smart argument" during trial, I didn't try it mysel, but I'm willing to bet it would annoy the inquisitor.

    Now the single most important thing: First thing after reaching sassau and finding out about Johanka's inprisonment go to Nicodemus. Talk to him, he will mention the importance of talking to Johanka, then go to the annoying custodian, he will tell you about a document which you need to get to Johanka. Pickpocket it off of inquisitor's assistant (at night sleeping next doors from Johanka's room) and go to her. Whatever you do she will be stubborn like a goat so you might aswell save your rep and just choose options you expect to please her with. Now is the critical part. Go to Nicodemus, he will mention the lack of Johankas closest among the living. This should remind you of Matthias laying on his bed nextdoors. Go speak to him, he will give you his lucky die, bring it to Johanka and tell her that she succeeded already and doesn't have to throw her life away. This is the most important and likely missed part by many players since just like other important things the developers decided to leave it up to player's attention and creativity instead of making it a marked quest objective.

    GL HF

    PS: As much as you will likely desire to do it, don't throw the custodian under the bus during the trial. Use the option which says "She had no evil intentions". At the end say "Because of her deeds"

    Edit: Maybe you need to ask the inquisitor to let you defend Johanka before talking to the custodian and the other witnesses, not sure about this one anymore but that's a detail.

    submitted by /u/Dave_Boi_237
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    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    Turns Out You Cannot Take Over Rattay By Using Sheer Force and Threats, I Am Mildly Disappointed

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    TLDR: I got caught killing someone, tried to remove witness, more people caught me, I tried to take over Rattay by sheer force, but the game simply said "No".

    I decided to join the Rattay Tourney, but I wanted to make quick work of it. So I went to the enrollees, knocked them out, then stole their helmets, however I was caught. Suddenly a guard tried to arrest me, however I ran away. I came back to Rattay after leaving combat for a bit and found that I had the jail sentence symbol on the top of my screen, however no guards cared about arresting me. Knowing that there must be a random guard somewhere in town who knows of my bad deed, I decided to look for him and remove him from existence. I found him, in some alleyway and I tried to take him out silently, but another guard caught me and soon several other guards saw me. I'm now racing to take out all the guards who know of my crime before the reputation spreads like the plague, but ended up being a futile effort. I decided that if I perhaps annihilate every single guard who opposed me, I would simply be able to pass the threatening speech check, and they will just let me off the hook. After literally covering the main road in Rattay with bodies of guards (some of whom were of guards that literally spawn out of the blue in really good armor to kill you) I went for a surrender and try the threatening speech check. To my complete surprise, it failed, so I was like "Ah okay, his threatening level was like 10, so maybe I'll try a weaker person to try it on". I killed that guard, and went for some random shop guard who tried to arrest me. He was at a threat level 0, and I had threat level 21, turns out this also failed, so he's dead. I decided that my whole goal to remove my bounty by sheer force was unless, and exited the game.

    Have any of you been able to successfully complete the threatening speech check after being caught in the act of murder?

    submitted by /u/jglenn1562
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    Is it worth it?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Hi guys. I was wondering if I should buy this game with all the dlcs since it's on sale. Why would you recommend it to me?

    submitted by /u/gravitysfault
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    Actually Shirtless

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance but Stone Cold Steve Austin attacks

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Pit of Vipers - How Many Are There? (Minor Spoilers)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    I finished scouting and sabotaging the bandit camp in the Pit of Vipers mission. I went back to Radzig and he's asking my how many bandits there are so he can know how many men to send. I know if you tell him to send them all then a nearby village gets burned down, but are there any consequences to doing the next one down from that?

    As a reminder, when he asks how many bandits there are, the choices i can tell him are:
    A.) "Hardly worth mentioning"
    B.) "Not many"
    C.) "There's quite a few"
    D.) "There's a lot of them" (keep in mind this one means another village will get burned down cuz Radzig will send ALL the nearby reinforcements)

    submitted by /u/Balrog229
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    Subnautica u ok?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Heyo Hope to get a few answers to figure out if i should dive in to the kingdom here!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    hi yall and looking for guidance into seeing if this is the game choice for me. im drawn mainly by the basic fact i am super enthralled with realism in games and seek the immersion of maximum proportions! this has made me look to the kingdom come as a graphically amazing masterpiece but I'm having a few questions to see if its a dive in or dip set kind of decision for me......

    first can i play in a super ultra wide 2k so 7670x1440p resolutions, my rig isnt so much the concern more so if the support for multi monitor is even in game :) hopeing so as the 10th gen i9 and 3090 combo is a dream team for cyberpunk i can imagine it is amazing here :)

    second how realisc of a sim is it.... is nurishment and hydration along with sleep a huge factor in health or is it to the skyrim degree of you just are going to recieve buffs from foods and drinks?

    third how deep is the lore and is this a game i can get lost in and be stuck on for a length of time ? sounds a odd question but im retired at 30 and game to keep my mind active and stream so as to stay socially happy being from a small town :P but yes any thing that yall could point me to as far as what your thoughts of the game are and if the above things are a yay or nay answered set of questions :P thanks in advance yo :)

    submitted by /u/Bryan2966s
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    men wtf

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Accidentally sold Lepia gauntlets

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I'm on xbox so I can't use pc commands, but I wasn't paying attention the other day and sold my Lepia gauntlets without realizing until the next day. I have no clue who I sold them to, but is there any way to get them again? Perhaps by winning the tourney another time after getting the rest of the armor?

    submitted by /u/BrightSovereign
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    When you combine the perfect throw perk with some fancy dice...

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    The Madonna of Sasau ending

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    It seems as though a big deal breaker/maker for the ending of Johanka's quest is talking to Matthias and giving her his dice while she's imprisoned. I did a lot of reading online before actually finishing my quest. (Idc about spoilers sometimes haha) That plus not sassing your superiors probably also really helps.

    I had a few hiccups throughout, like not waiting for Adela at the baths and kicking Henslin out, and then having to kill him and his posse on the way to Sasau. I accidentally only donated half of Pavel's treasure. (Disclaimer: I wanted to donate to the church AND the town. Once I selected half for the town I instantly realized and regretted what I did lmao.) and he caught me and I speech checked him by being a good LIAR. I didn't tell the inquisitor about Johanka's shortcomings (relations with Sebastian von Bitch, etc) and about the heresies in the land. I did my pilgrimage and penance but in my prayer at the end I picked the "I've done bad but it's not my fault" option( lmao 🥴😂) while also somewhat sassy and being moderately defensive against Johanka for my sins.

    I told myself I would go back and redo it all if I didn't get the best ending, but luckily I didn't have to. As I said, seems like as long as you convince Johanka to simmer down for the inquisitor, it should be an ok ending? Maybe I just did everything else right without realizing haha.

    submitted by /u/sweetladypropane108
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    Is it possible to get noise 0 with stuffing on royal edition?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    What if Henry never sinned?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    So I recently had the discussio with Johanka about my Henry's sins (let's ignore for a second she is a sinner herself and has no right to judge Henry - needed to get that one out) and it made me wonder, what if Henry actually never sinned? How would she send him on the walk of pennance if there was nothing to ask forgiveness for? So I searched the internet thoroughly but could not find an answer to this. Has anyone ever tried a completely chovalrous playthrough (for example due to going for virgin and merciful) that would result in a scenario where the only think Johanka can think of is killing Runt?

    submitted by /u/Dave_Boi_237
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    Faint-Hearted Knight?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    I'm starting a new playthrough after not having played Kingdom Come in almost 3 years. When I played at launch, random encounters like the Faint-Hearted Knight could reoccur infinitely despite him having a unique name and the dialogue suggesting that he should be a unique, one-off encounter.

    Is this still the case? Did they ever fix this or can you still kill him, take his stuff, and he'll respawn later? I feel bad killing him if it's a one-off, but if he respawns then I don't mind murdering him for his valuables.

    submitted by /u/Balrog229
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    Anyone else hate shields?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Im so tired of fighting bandits for 20 mins because half my hits get blocked and the other half do no damage because hardcore.

    submitted by /u/GingerShrimp40
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    Help on making the game not look god-awful?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Just started playing the game, noticed that in the leaves/grass/branches there is a lot of noise/shimmering/pixelation. Is there a workaround for this? I have all settings/high/very high, with physics and shadows on medium. 1080p monitor.

    I've also tried r_antialiasingmode=3 & r_sharpening=0

    I noticed that trees in the distance specifically look really bad, especially when turning. Also low res/detail, which shouldn't be the case when I compare other's screenshots.

    Edit: PC, newest version all drivers updated, turned off high res texture packs. Running a 1070ti and r5 3600X

    submitted by /u/Fatal_Ligma
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    Time efficient way to train with Capt. Bernard?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    Is there a faster way to do this? Right now I'm focusing on mace/shield. I strip down completely so I dont need to repair my gear after a couple rounds.

    This just seems to take forever. I get there bright an early with full health/energy. Train once then have to go heal at the whorehouse, then I train one more time before nightfall. I don't mind the grind, but I'd love to speed it up. I wouldn't be upset if I could manage an extra couple rounds per day.

    submitted by /u/DicksOutForGrapeApe
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